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- SOLD - Jefferson County - 160 acres Dry Cropland
- SOLD - Gage County - 160 Acres Cropland/Pasture, Includes Building Site
- SOLD - Gage County - 80 acres Dryland Farm Sec 35-5-8
- SOLD - Gage County - 80 acres Dryland Farm Sec 29-5-8
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Gage County - 80 acres Dry Cropland
80 Acres Dry Cropland
Location: From the Odell Blacktop (SW 61st Rd) & PWF 3 miles west 1/2 mile south.
Legal: N 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec 22-2N-5E Gage Co. Nebraska
Description: Farm has 76.42 acres +/- cropland, 2.44 acres +/- waterways and 1.14 acres +/- road. Terraces and tiles are located on farm. Soils consist of about 10% Class II with balance about 50-50 Class III and Class IV soils. Dryland crop insurance yields are 173 Bu/a corn and 53 Bu/a soybeans. Center pivot will be removed by seller. There is no irrigation well on this property.
FSA DATA: To be prorated per agreed cropland allocation by FSA.
Possession: Full possession for 2025 if agreement can be entered into, prior to planting.
Price: $7,900/ac
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