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- SOLD - Jefferson County - 160 acres Dry Cropland
- SOLD - Gage County - 160 Acres Cropland/Pasture, Includes Building Site
- SOLD - Gage County - 80 acres Dryland Farm Sec 35-5-8
- SOLD - Gage County - 80 acres Dryland Farm Sec 29-5-8
- SOLD-54.52 acres Dry Cropland - Lancaster County
- SOLD - 77 Acres Gage County
- SOLD - 150 Acres - Pickrell
- SOLD - 80 Acres - Odell
- SOLD - 160 Acres - Johnson County
- SOLD- 53 ACRES- Johnson County
- SOLD-Duis - 160 ac Gage County
- SOLD-840 Acres- Pawnee County
- SOLD- 120 Acres - Gage County- Lake/Grass/Trees
- SOLD-80 acres Gage County
- SOLD - 190 Acres - Johnson County
- SOLD - 160 Acres - Pawnee County
- SOLD - 228 Acres - Jefferson County
- SOLD - 190 Acres - Johnson County
- SOLD - 120 Acres - Jefferson County
- SOLD - 100 Acres - Gage County
- SOLD - Gage County 26.98 Acres
- SOLD - Gage County - 55 Acres
- SOLD - Gage County - 60 Acres
- SOLD - 228 Acres - Jefferson County
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Auction Services
In our current farm real estate market, it is difficult to place a value on the land. For that reason, public auctions allow the potential buyer to bid until the highest bidder is determined and the highest value for the land has been obtained. In our area, farmland auctions are a common way to sell land. Buyers like auctions, as they know the day of the auction who the buyer is and they had every opportunity to pay as much as they were prepared to spend.
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